Animated Car
Today I created animation of a car moving across a page back and forth in many different way. The car moved left to right, flipped horizontally and bounced, through out the animation all at different times.
The first step I look to creating this animation was open up a page with the correct size. The size was 788x576 pixels by 12 FPS.
The next step was opening up the animation into Photoshop. once I did this I turned the animation into a smart object.
The next step I did was create key frames and start to move the animation at the right points. I first moved the character to the left side of the screen in one second.
I then placed a key frame at 1 second and flipped the character horizontally. After this I then moved the character to the middle of the screen within 11 frames.
I then flipped the character and moved off the screen for 2 seconds.
The character then appears in the screen and within 2 seconds moved to the end of the right side of the screen whilst bouncing.
The last thing Idid was change the background colour to a colour that was slightly pale.
One thing that worked well would definitely be placing the key frames. Another would be flipping, placing and converting the character to a smart object.
One thing that could have been improved would be making the character fade as it bounced of the screen. A second would be the page size.
I did not face any problems following the storyboard however, the amount of time it took the character to move across the screen could have been extended.
Here is a GIF of the final animation:
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