Unit 11 Task 2 Proposal

1.    The production schedule

     Wednesday 20th April 2016- Planning, Filling in our forms
     Monday 25th April 2016- Filming of first few scenes
     Wednesday 27th April 2016- Finishing off our forms and discussing our production
     Thursday 28th April 2016- Finish filming our footage
     Tuesday 3rd May 2016- Finish filming our footage
     Wednesday 4th May 2016- Start editing our footage

2.    The proposed action/storyline

     The story line covers the story of a teenager interested in media courses, the teen finds the colleges media course through an application on his phone and also finds out about a media course open day the college is holding. The character then visits the college, he has such a great time at the college and decides to join by the end of the story.

3.    Storyboard

     12 storyboard panels consisting of characters, angles and dialogue.

Exposition opens up with a wide angled shot             Close up of character opening up his        
   of character playing video games.                               phone and finding the course.


 Wide angle shot with high key lighting,               Character visits THC in an upwards close
character finds other people like himself.                 up shot with high key lighting.


 Wide angle shot of character                          Character becomes a student in a wide angled
waving hands, scene can contain                     containing student I.D., Mid key lighting can
high key lighting.                                            take place.

4.    Format, type of animation, purpose, Software to be used

     Rotor scoping animation- Creates nice animation and no too time consuming. Photoshop and Final Cut will be the soft wares used to create the animation as they are both equipped with good animation and video making tools.

5.    Budget (e.g. items you might need to buy in order to create the animation; hire of any props, books, equipment hire etc.)

     The budget would be £0 as I will be using my camera that I have bought prior to this project to film the footage and I will also be using the Mac computers that have the software on them in the college library.
6.    Personnel Requirements (e.g. actors,)

     rooms to film in and one lesson to film in front of green screen. Mac computers will also be required since some of the software I will be using are exclusive to Apple, for example Final Cut.

7.    Resources requirements (e.g. camera, graphic tablets, Software etc.) 

      Apple Mac computers, Photoshop software, Final Cut software, Lighting and green screen. All of these resources will be required since I can use lighting and green screen in the recording process, Photoshop to rotor scope and create the frame by frame animation and Final Cut to edit the animation by editing the duration of the clips and scenes to create the animation.

8.    Contingencies 
     One contingency might be that the Mac computers in the library may not work, as they often stop working for some periods of time. This would mean that the animation may get delayed in becoming complete. Another contingency might be that  I May have to re schedule editing my animation in post production because I would need to revise for a media exam. This would mean that the animation would be rescheduled.

9.    Health and safety issues
    One of the health and safety issues that should be taken into consideration would be filming in the studio room. This would be because there is filming equipment placed through out the entire studio.

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