Wednesday 30 September 2015

Urban Art Example

Urban Art Example

 Today in Lesson we used quite a few different tools, backgrounds and effects to achieve this urban art example.We first created an A4 sized file this file had a brick wall image background added to it. We then chose an image using the Custom shape tool and we also chose the colour. The direction tool was used to change the shape of the image however I preferred the shape of my image the way it was originally so i did not change this aspect. We edited the background so that it was distorted, It was also changed to black and white with a different brightness and contrast. After this the shape was also edited so that the image could blend into the background a bit more. that is why the ridges appear in the final piece of artwork.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Victoria And Albert Hall Digital Design weekend Trip

Amir Hamzah 1113838

Victoria And Albert Hall Digital Design weekend Trip

This Saturday I went to the Victoria and Albert Museum for the Digital Design Weekend with my family. Exhibits were scattered through out the museum however most of the exhibits were on the Third floor. Certain exhibits were more interactive then others and some where more informative.

One of the exhibits that seemed interesting to me was Latin(o) American Digital Art Project by Brian Mackern. The exhibit was in the Learning Seminar Room Three and involved two hosts who talked about how Brian Mackern had recorded sounds and Visual Material to make The city interactive through an interface online.

Another exhibit that seemed interesting was the Citizen Data Licenses exhibit by Sarah T Gold
The exhibit took place in the learning centre lunchroom and was hosted by a couple different hosts that talked about how People have no control over their data and how data licences allow users to manage and decide what happens to their data.

Collidoscope was another interesting interactive exhibit which took place in the Learning Centre Seminar Room Three. It was hosted by two hosts. The exhibit involved guests enlarging audio on a device so they could play, perform and manipulate that audio.

My favourite Exhibit was called Seven Second Ago and took place in the Learning Centre Lunch Room and was an interactive exhibit which involved a device that contained two lenses which was linked to another device that was placed in a meerkat enclosure at London Zoo. The host explained how the purpose of the device was to be able to view wild life from different places in 3D.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

pop art portrait

Amir Hamzah 1113838
Pop Art Dots Portrait 

The task today was to use pop art dots alongside layers to create a portrait. So the first thing I did was pick a black and white portrait from google images.  I then opened it up into photoshop. After this I then adjusted the size, contrast and halftone. The next step was to select a theme from the filter gallery. After this using new layer I then chose the multiply option and blend in mode. The new layer was then filled in with a colour I chose. The last step was to use the paintbrush tool for the skin tone the tool was also used for other colours. 

The task was easy and the instructions were actually easy to follow. However even after the snap mode was taken off, the background eraser still left ridges.

In the end the picture looked good with different colours used for his skin and hair.

Pop Art Dots

Pop Art Dots
Amir-Hamzah 1113838


The task for today was to create a pop art dot back ground using photoshop. Following the instructions were definitely easy and the the task in itself was also easy.
However the computer i was using would not access any of the websites necessary for example blogger. I eventually had to move computers to finalise the upload of this blog.