Unit 16 Research for Logo 3

Research For Logo 3

As I  will be creating a logo as my final project I decided to go onto Photoshop to explore different options I could take for the emblem in my logo.
I found after creating some ideas for myemblem, when zoomed into them they were pixelated quite a lot. So I decided to open my logos into Adobe Illustrator and de pixelate them. I did this by opening up the logo into Illustrator, going into the tracing options and the selecting 16 colour. This got rid of the pixilation.
Here are some initial logo ideas I created.
This first logo was inspired by the pattern created by bricks in the pyramids, which I took and placed over the entire emblem. I did this over different colours which seemed to compliment and enhance each other. This effect was accomplished by selecting the colours, creating the pyramid, going into the filter bar selecting the filter option, going into other and then selecting the brick wall filter and lastly taking the distance between crcks quite low.

I also thought about creating something quirky and slightly unique. This emblem idea was something I thought would help make the logo stand out. This effect was accomplished by selecting my colour, creating the pyramid, going into the filter bar selecting colour halftone and then taking the distance to 70.

I also have thought of incorporating sand into the emblem and logo as it is something which relates to the pyramids. This effect was created by selecting my colour, creating a new layer, going into the filter bar, selecting the mosaic filter and then taking the radius down quite low. 

I wanted to incorporate a texture which feels like it relates to the pyramids. I decided to cover my entire pyramid in one texture to audition it. I think the results came back quite good as the emblem seems to be aesthetically appealing. This effect was created by selecting the colours, going into the filter bar selecting pointize and taking the distance not too high.

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